This programme is listed in NAC-AEP 2023-2025 and eligible for Tote Board Arts Grant subsidy of up to 50%.
Singapore cinema is an integral part of the nation’s artistic and cultural landscape and is as varied and colourful as Singapore herself. This multi-faceted feature of Singapore cinema thus raises interesting questions worthy of critical evaluation. For example, what topics and issues are prevalent in Singapore cinema? How does Eric Khoo’s critically acclaimed 12 Storeys (1997) challenge state narratives? How does Jack Neo’s widely successful Ah Girls Go Army (2022) both align with and subvert conventional nation-building strategies? To unpack these questions on the diverse topics in Singapore cinema, critical thinking is (the) key.
Critical Thinking through Singapore Cinema aims to demystify critical thinking by making the process of critical thinking itself explicit and visible—and hence more accessible for students. Specifically, students will be guided through a systematic 3-step approach to critical analysis through the fun and accessible medium of Singapore cinema. Through close analysis of film clips and situating films within wider contexts, students will learn how to methodically map out and unpack arguments, using the criterion-based intellectual standards of critical thinking: relevance, sufficiency, and acceptability. Ultimately, students will learn how to use Singapore films as a form of source-based evidence to analyse and interpret past and present socio-political issues; apply specific critical thinking skills in a structured manner when articulating complex issues through effective arguments; as well as cultivate a deeper appreciation for Singapore cinema.
This programme offers a range of focus topics related to national identity that you can choose from for your students, such as:
- National Service in Singapore Cinema
- The “Heartland” in Singapore Cinema
Some examples of contemporary local films and directors include Anthony Chen’s critically acclaimed Ilo Ilo (2013) and Jack Neo’s commercially successful Ah Boys to Men franchise, depending on which focus topic you choose. Films are carefully curated for specific student groups and based on IMDA’s Films Classification Database.
Integral to the programme are student-engagement activities that include a combination of digital platforms such as Kahoot! and Poll Everywhere, open-ended questions posed to the floor, and small group discussions for collaborative learning. These activities aim to consolidate students’ learning and empower them to become more effective self-directed thinkers beyond the programme, as they will be able to apply the same critical thinking techniques when engaging with other texts and media, as well as school subjects such as History, Geography, English Literature, Social Studies, Economics, and General Paper.
For more information, please email Ain or Wei Li at